New Forum Launched Today!
Just added today, the new mrkniceguy.com online forum! Feel free to register and start discussing topics on your mind. The forum is not limited to video games per say, so post about something you’d like to talk about. mrkniceguy.com/forum (Also note, the Philosophy of War sub-page has been eliminated. The new forum replaces some of…
Pics of the new machine
Finally got a chance to edit the pics for the new computer. See ealier post for more specs. New Motherboard – ASUS Mobo from the side. CPU has a LARGE heatsink. I/O on the back. I/O and PCI cards (some are internal). Motherboard looks nice in the new case. Power supply hook ups. My wife…
FireFox 3.0 out today!
If you aren’t using FireFox as your primary web browser, it’s time you started. More secure, faster, tons of great addons just to name a few reasons to make the switch. And what better time to get on board than with the released today, version 3! With over 15,000 improvements over version 2, Firefox is…