
  • New Forum Launched Today!

    Just added today, the new online forum! Feel free to register and start discussing topics on your mind. The forum is not limited to video games per say, so post about something you’d like to talk about.

    (Also note, the Philosophy of War sub-page has been eliminated. The new forum replaces some of that sites features, as well as expands the usage of this site.)


    forum screen

  • Pics of the new machine

    Finally got a chance to edit the pics for the new computer. See ealier post for more specs.

    New Motherboard – ASUS


    Mobo from the side.

    mobo side

    CPU has a LARGE heatsink.


    I/O on the back.

    I/O Panel

    I/O and PCI cards (some are internal).


    Motherboard looks nice in the new case.

    Mobo in the Case

    Power supply hook ups.

    what a mess

    My wife is so awesome to put up with this crap. Yeah, that’s our bed.

    All the stuff

    New Transformer case front.


    Cool green light in the grill.

    Front Grill

    Case side. Notice the top fan. Very cool.

    Side on

    And they light up!

    fan light


    first boot

    Case logo. I just like it. 🙂

    case logo

    And there you have it! Tell me what you think.


  • FireFox 3.0 out today!

    If you aren’t using FireFox as your primary web browser, it’s time you started. More secure, faster, tons of great addons just to name a few reasons to make the switch. And what better time to get on board than with the released today, version 3! With over 15,000 improvements over version 2, Firefox is better than ever. And if you download today, you can help make history! Mozilla (the developers of Firefox) are shooting for a Guinness Record number of downloads in a 24hr period.

    I use a number of addons that all installed wonderfully (with one exception) and all my bookmarks, cookies and preferences carried right over. There are a few addons I highly recommend, once you get FF3 installed.

    AdBlock Plus
    Better Gmail 2
    (if you use Gmail, which you should)
    (needed for Better Gmail 2)
    Image Zoom – resize images on any web site
    IE Tab – for those pages that just haven’t been updated to work with Firefox (lazy developers) 😉
    Down Them All – file downloader

    Get the new FireFox3 here.