
  • Twitter. Fun but unreliable. For now.

    Well, I have had a lot of fun using Twitter over the last few weeks. Not only have I found some fun people to follow (no close friends yet… until Jvanti starts updating!) but updating from anywhere via text message is pretty cool. I can post an update on my way home from work and let people know what game I’m planing on playing that night. It’s all great… when it works.

    But lately it seems Twitter has been experiencing some problems. With some serious technical hurdles, they seem to be going down for small amounts of time at least once a day. Lot’s posts have been popping up regarding their frustrations with the service. I was beginning one of those “down with Twitter” posts when I started writing this article… until I found out some interesting things about the service.  While some of these facts are history (they are upgrading the service as we speak) they can still affect Twitter and are interesting (on an Uber-Mega-Geeky level!)

    1. Twitter runs (ran?) off of a single MySQL server replicated onto two slaves. I don’t even really know what that means but it sounds really hard.
    2. Did you just say 3 machines run Twitter? Yes. Used by lots of people, you’d expect a little more hardware.
    3. If one of those servers goes down, it is caught by a real person, monitoring the database, and is switched and repaired by hand. Then the failed database is rebuilt. This can shut the site down for up to half an hour.
    4. Someone (no names were mentioned) was responsible for some major outages. Internal drama but the Twitter team is quick to point out “Twitter is a team—we share responsibility for our victories as well as our mistakes.” It is mentioned this person is a former employee though.

    So the next time you see this image with the notice:

    Twitter Whale

    be thinking about the poor guy on the other end, trying to rebuild that database.

    [Photo by Florian]

  • And the winner is…


    Stats are in for the top game on Xbox Live. And no, it’s Halo 3 (it hasn’t been for a while now). There has been a battle for the last few weeks between the 1, 2 and 3 spots between Grand Theft Auto IV, Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3. Halo was champion for weeks until Call of Duty was released and gave it a run for it’s money. Now GTA IV has entered the playing field and held it for 4 straight weeks. But it was too good to last as COD 4 takes the top spot and Halo 3 slides into the #2 spot.  Just goes to show the strength that COD 4 brings to the table. Strong gameplay, great ranking system and killer maps make this a must play. And as if you needed more incentive…

    IAMfourzerotwo announces the Double XP weekend! That’s right, from Friday to Monday, play Charlie Oscar Delta 4 for double experience! Double XP for both Xbox 360 and PS3. Ah, you guys are too awesome. We *heart* you.

    Double XP on all Playlists (via Joystiq)

  • “laser swords”

    Having worked retail in the past I love reading about other peoples experiences with customers and the wacky things they say. This one was particularly funny mostly because I have been asked similary questions in the past. I have never worked at a game store but I have been asked similar questions with similar results.

    No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
    Video Game Store | United Kingdom

    (Note: I didn’t even work at this place. I was just looking at the games with my dad but I figured I’d help this lady out.)

    Customer: “Hi, my son wants a Star Wars game. How much will that be?”

    Me: “Well, there are lots of Star Wars games, because some are older than others. The older ones are more likely to be cheaper… sometimes the console changes the price as well.”

    Customer: “Console?”

    Me: “The thing you play it on.”

    Customer: “Oh he’s got a Gamestation.”

    Me: “Do you mean a Playstation or a Gamecube?”

    Customer: “I don’t know, it’s black.”

    Read the rest on