Looks like you come to the right place. That’s right. You only need a Elementary level education to be able to understand this site’s content. Enjoy. 🙂
I have enjoyed Mark Methenitis‘ take on Video Games and legal issues having discoverd his blog (Law of the Game) a few months ago. Mark is an attorney in Dallas, TX and a fellow gamer with gamers legal rights in mind. His blog is not to be used as formal legal advice but is sound and a great read from that side of the issues gamers face. With all the controversy surrounding gaming these days it’s a refreshing perspective from a person with great legal experience. Check it out!
While you’re reading Mark’s posts, be sure to hop over and vote for him on the ABAJournal web site for top lawyer’s blogs! Keep up the good work Mark!
It’s already been established. Manhunt 2 is a lame game. Purely looking at the game play aspect Manhunt 2 offers very little in the way of “fun” which I think most people look for in a game (yes?). But that’s not good enough. Never mind the poor ratings and reviews (Metacritic score of 65), if people here about it enough they can’t stop thinking about it and won’t leave it alone. If no one hears about a game, no one plays it… just ask any marketing department. But if you can get some hype out of reviews, even negative ones, you will sell some copies.
Enter Sen. Hillary Clinton. Can’t let the dead horse lie huh? She (and a few other Senators) are calling for a “review” of the ESRB’s rating of Manhunt 2. Why? Because flailing you arms around like a moron simulating killing motions is SO much worse than using your thumbs. So we must now waste who knows how much of the taxpayers dollars looking at the so called “murder simulator” that no one is playing anyway. Do you think this is a good use of a Senators time? Or do you think they should be doing more to protect free speech, seeing as how the are supposed to be working for the country that set the standard for free speech. You decide.
In contrast, when thinking of the upcoming ’08 run, don’t overlook former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. He’s a (beginner) gamer! Just ask Chuck Norris!!!