
  • Music for Your Monkey – Sale!

    As a follow-up post for the new Media Monkey, you should know that the Amazon Black Friday-Cyber Monday Music Sale is going on now! Get some new music and add it to Media Monkey right now. Amazon has a huge selection of music and it’s all DRM free. I get all my music (other than the occasional physical CD) from Amazon. You should too.

  • Media Monkey 4 Is Here – And Better Than Ever

    I’ve been a long time user of Media Monkey software going back to sometime around 2007. When my music collection seemed to be growing at a rate beyond what current media managers could handle effectively. Windows Media Player was ok, but super laggy. iTunes was out of the question (sorry, I don’t do Apple). And open source options like Songbird where still very basic.

    I decided to try Media Monkey and it has been my go-to media manager ever since. I’ve tried others over the years but the Monkey does such a great job that nothing has even been able to replace it. I even chose my OS based on Media Monkey. I tried to switch 100% to Ubuntu but because I couldn’t get Media Monkey to work in WINE switched back (I still use Ubuntu in a VM all the time, in case you are wondering. Yes, I love Linux).

    Last week Media Monkey 4.0 was released and it really brings a whole new element to Media Monkey… and makes it not only a music manager but also a video manager. Sweet molasses.

    Screenshot from Media Monkey 4

    Media Monkey, as always, is sleek and takes a minimal amount of memory. Right now I’m listening and managing some files and it’s using 50MB. Not bad considering it’s managing 24,964 tracks and I have it cranked.

    Where Media Monkey shines is not only the ability to play your music but to manage it too. Tagging songs with ID3, transcoding (get the Gold license for more options), moods, tempos, ratings and tons more. You can make your library what you want it to be. Now I’m looking forward to applying some of the managing features to my video collection as well.

    When you need to manage a lot of tracks, or simply want a great interface for listening to music, Media Monkey can’t be beat. Grab it and check it out.


    Manage Music

  • Netflix Backs Out, And So Do I


    If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, you’ll see that I am a big fan of Netflix. It’s DVD by mail service revolutionized the way we watch movies at home. As for me and my family, we’ve been with them for almost 10 years. But all that is about to change.

    No, they still deliver DVD by mail, but with broadband speeds they way they are, who wants to bother with that, right? I used to look forward to that red envelope in the box every few days. But when Netflix announced they would be offering streaming, I knew the time had come. I mean, we’re talking virtually no wait time here. It’s not that I’m impatient (although that could be up for debate) but with streaming media there are no DVDs to wait for or be broken, nothing getting lost in the mail and almost instant access to movies. The only way this works though is if the movies that are available are worth watching. This is why I was excited to hear Netflix was working toward focusing on streaming content and splitting the DVD by mail service out into a new company. But alas, they have chickened out of this approach due to those customers who complained.

    There is quite a bit of discussion going on regarding Reed Hastings and why in the world he’s still CEO of Netflix. I have a feeling it will either be him going or me going from the Netflix family. I’m already looking at alternatives to Netflix in terms of how to get the media I want via a streaming method. I suppose only time will tell. But I’ll keep you posted here with what direction I move.

    Bottom line, I’ve lost faith that Netflix has what it’s going to take to get streaming movies into the forefront and get some great content in their Watch Instantly service. If this changes and shakes the world with it’s amazingness, I’ll think about coming back.

    Oh, and if you haven’t seen this SNL sketch on Netflix, you need to. It’s hilarious.