Tag: Amazon MP3

  • Lot’s O’ Music – An Organization Post

    If you love music as much as I do, there’s a chance that you’ve spent hours ripping your CDs to MP3 (or if you’re like me you’ve done the whole process several times, just to get it just right), purchasing your DRM free music from Amazon, Google Play or iTunes and organizing and cataloging and, of course (most importantly), listening  to all your wonderful music.

    So how do you manage and keep track of all that tunage? I’m not claiming I’m an expert, but I’ve spent years working on my system. So I thought I would share it with you.

    File Structure

    This is the part that has gone through the most changes, but now that it is settled it’ll be staying like this for a long time. When managing thousands of files, a good folder structure is key. Especially if your ID3 tags get messed up! I use a folder structure like this:

    “C:/Music/A/Alice In Chains”
    “C:/Music/D/The Devil Wears Prada”

    With all the different artists in my library it was necessary to break it down another level. Hence the alphabetical letters for each A – Z.

    The idea that all these artists could site in a single folder would never work for my collection. It may for you, but consider using what I’ve done here if you want to have room to grow your library.


    MP3 is where it’s at. I tried WMA, OGG and FLAC and by far the most flexible and good size to sound ration is MP3. I rip all my music to 320Kbps MP3. Now, of you might find that FLAC is more to your likeing because you can afford piles of hard drives. Or you’ve got a Windows mobile device and WMA works better for you. But for me (and most of the world) it’s MP3. If you dump thousands of dollars into a home stereo system consider FLAC since it’s lossless. But I find 320Kbps sounds just great. And I do hear a difference. I listen the most on my JLab Bomoba TEKST headphones, which sound amazing by the way.


    Media Monkey Interface

    I’d be lost without Media Monkey. It’s the BEST audio manager tool out there. I would say you could get away with using the free version, but you really, really should just buy it. It handles my whole library with ease. In fact, I’m listening with it right now while writing this. Media Monkey provides massive library support, robust ID3 management and lots of transcoding options.



    If you want to listen to your music anywhere you’ve got internet access, there are two (pick your flavor) tools you can use. The first is Subsonic, a service you run like a server from your home. The other is Google Music which allows you to upload your music library (up to 20,000 files) for free and listen anywhere. Check them out.


    What do you use? Did this help? Let me know in the comments below.

  • Spotty Spotify

    Well, the wonderus Spotify service is rolling out in the U.S. The U.K. has had it for a while now and has recieved a lot of hype from major news outlets and a heck of a lot of users. While I think the model is interesting (I’m for any supposed ” iTunes killers”) the service still has a ways to go. Just my quick thoughts on the service…

    Spotify seems to have a really good library. I searched for a few of my favorite bands (Gomez, The Devil Wears Prada and Tool just to name a very few) and found most of their stuff on the service. Cool! Tool was missing, but I’ve never seen a more strict license than on all of Tools music. It would be disappointing, except that I own all their stuff anyway. Sound quality seems good while listening. I’m currently using the Free service and works pretty well. My first album checkout was the new Limp Bizkit album Gold Cobra, which absolutely sucked, but I can’t really blame Spotify for that now can I. The ads are pretty reasonable except when they play music at the begining of the ad and I start thinking to myself “Wow, this album just took a turn for the worst…. oh, it’s an ad!”

    My main complaints are that the Spotify app looks an awful lot like iTunes, and I hate iTunes. Sorry, that’s just me.

    Other than that it’s pretty sweet for free. I’m not entirely sure I’m sold enough to buy the service. I’m really not a fan of rental based music services. I buy my music from Amazon because it’s DRM free (first I might add) and I own it. Granted, ownership of music is a pretty touchy issue in the U.S., but you understand what I mean. I do like the idea of checking out an album before I go buy it from Amazon. I think I’ll get used to that.

    I don’t have any invites to Spotify (yet) but head over to their site to queue up and check it out for yourself. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Spotify comes in Free, $4.99/mo and $9.99/mo.

  • New (Old) Crystal Method – Divided by Night [Album]

    I’ve been listening to some older electro latetly and came accross this album from 2009 – The Crystal Method Divided by Night.

    I must say… I love it! I am a huge fan of Vegas (one of my all-time favorite albums) and Tweekend was pretty good, whereas the 2004 Legion of Boom was pretty dissapointing. But Divided by Night just shines. From the very start the album drives hard but maintains a good sense of melody. I’ve listened to it over and over now and each time it’s interesting and fun. And  assuming you got the speakers, this album will NOT disappoint you on the low end of the spectrum.

    Track three features Matisyahu and is tons of fun. Here’s the offical vid:


    Track four has none other than Justin Warfield from She Wants Revenge and it’s by far my favorite song on the album. Check it out:

    Buy the album today from Amazon. You won’t be sorry: