Tag: Amazon MP3

  • Lot’s O’ Music – An Organization Post

    If you love music as much as I do, there’s a chance that you’ve spent hours ripping your CDs to MP3 (or if you’re like me you’ve done the whole process several times, just to get it just right), purchasing your DRM free music from Amazon, Google Play or iTunes and organizing and cataloging and,…

  • Spotty Spotify

    Well, the wonderus Spotify service is rolling out in the U.S. The U.K. has had it for a while now and has recieved a lot of hype from major news outlets and a heck of a lot of users. While I think the model is interesting (I’m for any supposed ” iTunes killers”) the service…

  • New (Old) Crystal Method – Divided by Night [Album]

    I’ve been listening to some older electro latetly and came accross this album from 2009 – The Crystal Method Divided by Night. I must say… I love it! I am a huge fan of Vegas (one of my all-time favorite albums) and Tweekend was pretty good, whereas the 2004 Legion of Boom was pretty dissapointing. But Divided by Night…