Tag: Far Cry 2

  • Far Cry 3 Review

    I have been a fan of the Far Cry series since the first Xbox game was released. Running around in the jungle and shooting all kinds of stuff was just way too much fun to pass up. Since then I’ve followed the series religiously. Far Cry 2 was good, but Far Cry 3 has expanded greatly…

  • Far Cry 2 Experience web game

    Just played (I know, it’s old) the Far Cry 2 Experience game. It was kinda fun! As you can see, I am a well rounded Far Cry 2 player. Good for me. Now, you go give it a shot. Let me know what you get. Far Cry 2 Experience

  • Far Cry 2 Map Maker

    One of the most exciting aspects of the new Far Cry 2 from Ubisoft was the return of the Map Editor. More than a map editor (yes, we’re looking at you Forge) the Far Cry map maker allows full customization of the terrain, natural elements, man made objects and spawn/weapons locations. The ability to change…