Tag: Funny

  • Video Game Comics

    There are some video game related comics out there. My personal favorite (and I think most others) would have to be Penny Arcade. PA has been around for a few years and has built up quite a following. They even have started one of the biggest and best gaming expos in the country. And most…

  • “laser swords”

    Having worked retail in the past I love reading about other peoples experiences with customers and the wacky things they say. This one was particularly funny mostly because I have been asked similary questions in the past. I have never worked at a game store but I have been asked similar questions with similar results.…

  • The New Grand Theft Auto

    Just in case you missed Conan O’Brien covering the new GTA IV. Embedded for your viewing pleasure. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4