Tag: Live Arcade

  • Geometry Wars 2: So Satisfying

    After several days of grinding away at Blue Dragon, and the disappointment of reaching the ending and realizing that the story was not one worth playing again, I needed something to cheer me up. Enter Geometry Wars 2. I am a big fan of the first Geometry Wars, despite my inability to break the million…

  • DRM Update – SOLVED!

    Well, I must say I am pretty impressed. I figured I was going to be a statistic and no longer able to play my XBLA games while Live was down for maintenance. But after one call to Xbox support and only a week gone by, they have resolved this issue to my complete satisfaction. I…

  • DRM and my Xbox 360

    UPDATE* This issue is resolved! Way to go Microsoft. Well, I’ve finally been bitten by the DRM monster. Just about 3 weeks ago my Xbox 360 suffered the RRoD (aka the 3RLoD) so I sent it in to Microsoft. They were very quick to send it back and I was able to confirm a new…