Tag: Live Arcade

  • Now that would be awesome…

    Xbox360-Fanboy is reporting a rumor that would lend Sam & Max to the LIVE Arcade line-up. Of course this is just rumor at this point but if even remotely true would be one of the greatest things to happen to the Marketplace ever. Having played the original PC game Sam & Max: Hit the Road from LucasArts, I know this game and have a special place in my heart for the two characters. Of course anyone who has played them know there is plenty of room in the heart for them because the duo rotted all the rest out. >:)

    Like I said, it’s all speculation at this point but if this becomes available, you can be sure I’ll be picking it up (or, I guess downloading it in this case). This is all based on a posting for a job. Do you fit the bill? Can you make sure this happens?

  • Paperboy is here!

    And I haven’t posted in a while! My bro got a 360 and we’ve had fun playing together over LIVE. Playing Co-op on live is awesome! We’re over 100 miles apart but have tons of fun battling the hoard together. More soon to come about the latest game, Viva Pinata.

  • Rumer? I hope not!

    It’s not an official announcment but Achive360points.com has Paperboy on the site today… a good chance of coming to Xbox LIVE in the near future! Not that it’s the greatest game ever or anything, I just have fond memories of playing this game when it came out and having the oportunity to play it agian sounds like fun. I hope it becomes available soon.