Tag: Wii

  • Bludgeoning a dead horse

    It’s already been established. Manhunt 2 is a lame game. Purely looking at the game play aspect Manhunt 2 offers very little in the way of “fun” which I think most people look for in a game (yes?). But that’s not good enough. Never mind the poor ratings and reviews (Metacritic score of 65), if…

  • I saw it…

    the abomination. I thought were headed in the right direction. We had made leaps and bounds on the design between Xbox and Xbox 360. My Three-Sixty is downright sexy. And Nintendo made a console looking GameCube, truly a sight too behold. But I was walking through Wal-Mart when I spotted a PlayStation 3 in the…

  • Can you say “Wiidiculous?”

    This is a pretty funny site. Where most gaming sites are geared towards games and such, this one is related to game playing injuries. WiiHaveAProblem.com has all the details about how to (or maybe how NOT to) hurt yourself playing the Nintendo Wii console. I’m not sure, but I’d say it’s a first. 🙂