Category: Xbox 360

  • BREAKING: FFXIII coming to Xbox 360!

    Gamers everywhere, rejoice! During their keynote speech at E3 this morning, Microsoft announced that Final Fantasy XIII, formerly a Sony exclusive, will be coming to the 360. The Final Fantasy series was the only thing tempting me back to a Sony console (I own a PS2 but haven’t played it since the 360 arrived), and I am happy to save the extra money to buy all of the Square Enix games coming out for 360.

    Square Enix, known by fans everywhere as the best RPG developers out there, also announced 3 more titles coming to 360: Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean, and Last Remnant. All titles will be out by the end of the year, and FFXIII will launch the same date as the PS3 version, causing a huge war between fan boys and girls everywhere. I can not wait.

    Microsoft, FTW!

    Xbox360Fanboy – FF XIII
    Kotaku – FF XIII

  • BREAKING: Netflix comes to the Xbox 360

    This fall, with the release of the new dashboard for Xbox 360, you will finally be able to stream Netflix Watch Now content right to your TV.

    That’s right. Announced today at the Microsoft Keynote at E3 2008, Netflix partners with Microsoft to bring thousands of movies right to your console. The feature has been rumored for a while now and is a welcome addition.

    More information as it becomes available.

    Xbox360Fanboy – Netflix and your 360
    Kotaku – Netflix and your 360


  • Forza 2 Custom Paint

    Got Forza Motorsports 2 yesterday. It’s a lot of fun racing all kinds of cars and creating custom paint jobs.

    Here is an official MKG Audi TT. It’s my current “A” class car.

    Can’t wait to race some more…