Category: Xbox 360

  • Halo 3 – part 2

    Well, I’ve been playing as much Halo as I can lately. Which only means one thing. The game is great. My favorite feature is the Theater. Being able to look back on your last game and see where that guy was that sniped you is AWESOME! I can feel some machinima coming on. The Forge is great fun too for some party play.

    I’m pretty much used to the X button now being the new special item button and the RB being reload. It was frustrating at first relearning my fingers where to go but now it is most advantages.

    If you are a FPS player, Halo 3 is a must have.

  • Halo 3

    It’s all over the place! Man, I was at GameCrazy at 11:15 to wait in line. CG had a drawing even though they had taken pre-orders… (wha?) so I got #106. Since they weren’t going to call my number until after 1am a friend and I went back to his house to play some Forza 2. Being my first time playing that game I was pleasantly surprised.

    1am finally came and we headed back, to find them on customer 58. Ouch. I sure hope this goes fast. They keep giving out crappy Lost Planet posters and such, which is not helping the wait really. A friend and I talked about game for the next hour as we waited.

    Just before 2 am they called my number. I walked up, picked up the game I’d already paid for and left. Of course, I needed to get up early the next day and would be out of town most of the day so I wasn’t even going to be able to play. But that wasn’t really the point. The point was I had the game. I had to wait 16 hours more to actually play it…

    The menus are really nice. I had no trouble navigating to set up my characters look and logo. I chekced out FORGE first. Seemed like a great place to start. Then my wife and I played through the first two levels of the campaign. Aside from having to relearn how to reload, it was a breeze to transition from Halo 2 to 3. The graphics are amazing on my 32′ LCD running native 720p. Tonight, we’ll play a little and then maybe some online play. 😀

    While I would never say Halo 3 is the greatest game ever made, I would say it is truly a great game. I am really looking forward to “finishing the fight.”

    Halo 3 screenshot

    A screenshot from my game the other night. One of the coolest features I’ve seen an a game.. more to come on this.

  • sour taste…

    Well, a while back I posted about winning a contest on the site by playing DOA4 with a friend. After finding out from the web site that we had won (there must have not been very many people that played because we never win anything) I had not received any notice that we had won.. but our names were posted on the site?!

    I emailed the contact for the contest and after “updating” my address (there was no change) was informed my item would ship out soon. I waited and waited, as did my friend. Nothing ever came. So I emailed them again, a month and a half later, this time was redirected to the company that was handling the actual rewards for the contest. They replied within 48 hours and told me my prize would be on the way. So, knowing it would be “on it’s way” I though nothing more of it at the time.

    2 more months passed and I was getting irritated, to say the least. What could possibly be taking this long! I decided to write one last email, voicing my disgust with their service. After asking for some resolution or a alternative reward I was told they needed my console serial number. What?! That was on my account profile a YEAR AGO!!!! Now I’m thinking, this is just crap. Either there was a mistake and I did not win (but they said that I had) or they are yanking my chain. I’m thinking it’s the later.This time, I did not respond. In my mind, I was done. Forget them and their stupid contests.

    Now, I realize this is all over something I did not have to pay for, it was a give away in a contest. But that’s not really the point. The point is they said they would send it out.. soon. But I was told 4-6 weeks, not 4-6 MONTHS.

    Today, my “prize” showed up. Granted it’s as good as “cash” and can be used to buy “stuff” it’s a little lacking for what I’ve gone through. A different company entirely sent me my prize, which only leads me to believe the “other” one didn’t keep it’s promises.

    They sent me 1600 MS points. And 1600 for my friend… whom I now have to mail them to… great.