
  • Spark 360 Review

    There is a special place in my heart for technology. I’ve grown up around gadgets and gear and spent plenty of time programming, building and replacing hardware and the like. So I love it when technology pieces fit together. One of those pieces is an Android app that brings the joys of Xbox Live to my mobile Android device.

    Spark 360 is an Android application to connect you with your friends and fellow gamers over Xbox Live, even while you’re away from your console. Actually, I use it while I’m on my console as it’s easier to message people with the app than with a controller!

    The interface is clean. Super clean. Beautiful in fact. I can access messages (and send, which is great!), see who’s online and track games I’ve played. There’s even a Microsoft Points conversion tool built in. The latest update offers a favorite users function (just star your close friends in the app and filter for that) and message notifications.

    If you are a gamer and an Android user, Spark is a must have app.

  • Video Games Are Cool

    It’s no hidden fact that I love video games. I think they’re such a great way to spend some free time. Rather than simply flipping channels (I don’t have cable anyway) or watching a movie for a few hours, I love jumping into a world that needs to be discovered. One of the reasons I loved Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion was for this reason. I could just adventure around and find new people to talk to (looking for quests) or scour a dungeon somewhere. The ability to wander around and see what the designers had placed in the world. Video games are a chance to explore those things. Fable does this to a degree although not quite as organically. Fallout 3 (another Bethesda game like Oblivion) is a huge world with seemingly endless nooks and crannies to explore.

    Movies are great. They tell a story (well, the good ones do). But video games tell a story that you help to shape. It’s much more interactive. For better or for worse, video games are my preferred entertainment medium.

    What do you like about video games?

  • And… we’re back!

    After nearly two and a half years, is back online! I know, I know, you’ve really been missing the witty reviews of games and obsession with Xbox 360 games. Well, we’re back and better than ever. Not only will we be reviewing video games but we’ve branched out to all media. So expect movies, music, video games and other things of that nature popping up down the road. And the old posts will get thinned out, but if you find a dead link (the sites been offline for a while now) please let me know in the comments.