Tag: Xbox LIVE

  • Total Miner: Forge – Grab your pickax!

    Over the weekend my son and I discovered a new great game on Xbox Live Indie Games. Total Miner: Forge We (my son and I) are constently on the lookout for great co-op games. We love playing together and we especially love creative games that let you make stuff. Oh, we love smash-em-ups and great…

  • Spark 360 Review

    There is a special place in my heart for technology. I’ve grown up around gadgets and gear and spent plenty of time programming, building and replacing hardware and the like. So I love it when technology pieces fit together. One of those pieces is an Android app that brings the joys of Xbox Live to…

  • Far Cry 2 Map Maker

    One of the most exciting aspects of the new Far Cry 2 from Ubisoft was the return of the Map Editor. More than a map editor (yes, we’re looking at you Forge) the Far Cry map maker allows full customization of the terrain, natural elements, man made objects and spawn/weapons locations. The ability to change…