I finally got my hands on Gears of War last night. My beautiful wife got it for me for Christmas and let me open it early! (Thanx sweetie!). After a few hours I was in chapter 3 when I just had to knock off and go to bed.. with visions of Locust Hoard still dancing in my head. I must say, the guys over at Epic have created something wonderful. Let me address some of my favorite things about the game:
The game-play is brilliant. Instead of a run/strafe/jump type game-play Gears is so much more fluid. Using cover is part of any realistic firefight and Gears does this better than I have ever seen. Cover fire, pop-and-shoot, cover agian. It took me the better part of an hour and I had the new reloading system down and really felt like I was in the environment. Using cover is awesome!!!
The voice overs have been attacked some in the last few weeks but I have played much worse and didn’t think it was that bad. The game does not disappoint and lends FPSs a very fresh and new game.
So, go grab it! And then come help me kill the Hoard!!!
One response to “Turning the Gears”
IT IS AMAZING. My Girfriend got it for me for christmas as well. I am freakin’ hooked on multiplayer. the amazing thing is all of the other kick ass games coming for the 360